Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Stories about Braces

Everyone has them: stories about braces. It could be their first experience, the first time a button popped off, or people’s comments when they see you wearing braces. I’m interested in hearing your stories.

To get you thinking, here's two stories from newspapers:
Swank Injured By Suspenders In Freak Set Accident
06 January 2007

Actress HILARY SWANK needed stitches while shooting new movie P.S., I LOVE YOU when she was hit by a co-star's suspenders. The Oscar winner was acting opposite movie husband GERARD BUTLER in the film when his braces snapped and hit Swank in the forehead. She says, "It came undone and flung across the room and hit me in the forehead... I had stitches. "Blood is trickling down my head and it left a perfect suspender mark - you know, the jagged edge of a suspender and then the straight edge."

This would have never happened if Gerard was wearing button-on braces. Be ware of clip-on suspenders!

Suspenders save Life
From November 9, 1918

His heavy suspenders saved Horace Gibbs, of No. 1125 Clover street, from being killed in Camden by Emanuel McKimm of No 742 Sycamore street. When McKimm was arraigned before Recorder Stackhouse yesterday on a charge of firing teh shot, Gibbs showed where the bullet plowed through his vest and shirt and then was stopped by steel in the suspenders.
It was explained that when Gibbs was taken to the Cooper hospital the bullet fell to the floor as the physicians were about to probe for it. The accused man was committed to jail in default of $1,000 bail. The two had quarred about a trivial matter.

Wear suspenders - it may save your life!

You may also want to check out this story.

Start wearing braces, no matter what your friends say!

Discussion time:
  • Share your stories!
  • Any memories from your first time?
  • Any humorous stories?
  • Any stories of the first time a button popped off, or a suspender snapped off?
Note: all photos are used solely for non-commercial use and to illustrate braces in fashion. No plagiarism is intended.

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